Ranches and Recreational Real Estate:
Many entrepreneurs and UHNW individuals seek to diversify their core holdings by purchasing nonfinancial assets such as ranches, farmland, timberland and even hunting preserves.
Farms and Ranches. Many entrepreneurs share a passion for farms and ranches offering customized financing for new land purchases or refinancing of your current operation. Use of proceeds is often for purchase of farm and ranch property, refinance of existing farm and ranch loans, farm and ranch improvement projects, and facility construction.
Timberland. The limited nature of land and trees makes timberland a great investment. Seven-Tenths of U.S. forest lands, or 514.2 million acres of the total 751.2 million acres of forest land, are labeled as timberlands. Timberlands are classified as forest lands used for the production of commercial wood products. Commercial timberland may be used for recurrent growing and harvesting of trees.