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Collateral Category
Loan Request Type
Type of Utilization

Non-Binding nature of Indications of Interest and Confidentiality 

CapLinx obtains non-binding Indications of Interest from counterparties on a no-name (customer) basis.  Approval ultimately comes from the Bank after their formal underwriting.  These indications are not a commitment and WealthTree/CapLinx is not liable.  All the information we obtain from you is confidential and safe. 

Request for Agency 


I hereby affirm that all information supplied is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief, and I understand that this information will be considered material in the evaluation of quotations, bids, and proposals. Notice must be given of any change in status impacting the information provided within ten (10) days of said change.  I request Wealth 400 to seek alternative financing options for the company and borrower listed above.  I have the authority to act on behalf of the borrower listed above to seek alternative quotes and share the required documentation to achieve that objective.  I have an intention to close a transaction within the next 24 months.

Thank You! We will contact you shortly


1441 Brickell Ave, Suite 1510

Miami, Florida 33131 

Rainmaker Securities, LLC ("RMS") has approved Mark Chiappara as its agent to conduct his securities activities under the doing business as “DBA” CAPLINX Securities. CAPLINX Securities is not a FINRA member broker-dealer, and all DBA securities activities are conducted through RMS. RMS is a FINRA registered broker-dealer and SIPC member. For additional important disclosures, including our relationship summary, please visit  

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